
Toutes les icônes utilisées sur ce site sont tirées du site :

Voici le détail des icônes dans leur ordre d’apparition sur le site internet.



Office by Kazim Abbas from the Noun Project

Home by Andrejs Kirma from the Noun Project

team by shashank singh from the Noun Project

Mes droits et devoirs

contract by Becris from the Noun Project

Fire by Vichanon Chaimsuk from the Noun Project

copy point by Alain W. from the Noun Project

euro notification by Martin LEBRETON from the Noun Project

rules by jngll from the Noun Project

Ma situation change

change by Sumit Saengthong from the Noun Project

La gestion du logement

tools by monkik from the Noun Project

Housekeeping by Made by Made from the Noun Project

Vivre ensemble

together by Chanut is Industries from the Noun Project

Conflict by Vadim Solomakhin from the Noun Project

Je quitte mon logement

contract by Becris from the Noun Project

Key and Hand by alvianwijaya from the Noun Project


Handshake by allex from the Noun Project

Refresh by alkhalifi_design from the Noun Project


Email by Creative Stall from the Noun Project

Phone by Cassandra Cappello from the Noun Project

Office by Kazim Abbas from the Noun Project

Mail by Guilhem from the Noun Project